

Greetings, my bloglings! Welcome to my almost-very-first blog post. Okay, my first IF you don't count that "Coming Soon" funny biz I tried a few days ago when we set this little situation up.

Yeah, this is a blog that might sometimes end its sentences with prepositions. We're edgy like that.

I'm P (hence the "P" at the beginning of "Pintroductions"), and you all probably know what that stands for - probably because anyone who's reading this knows me and E in real life. But, in the event that this thing takes off and becomes huge, we think it might be nice to preserve some sort of anonymity. Also, as new homeowners (and one new-homeowner-hanger-on), we will be in no shape to afford expensive cosmetic surgeries to change our appearance. House makeovers: yes. People makeovers: no.

As E said, the countdown to closing is on. I feel like we need an e-counter, an advent calendar, or even a paper chain to mark the occasion. It's a big deal. And once the house is ours/theirs, the real blogging can begin. We have lots of good ideas, both for DIY projects in the house AND for good blog posts. Cross your fingers/toes/whathaveyous that these next few weeks go smoothly and the closing happens without a hitch. I don't want to have to rename this blog "Fakeoverhill" and make it be about our false start.

Home wasn't built in a day (or on budget, I'll wager), so bear with us as we share our step-by-baby-step trek into the DIY/first home/friends-as-neighbors jungle. Mraaaawr (jungle noise).

Blog out.



Knobs, Tubes, and Tenants

Fingers crossed, my husband and I will close on our first house in a little over a month. It is a two-family house that was built in 1920. It has a lot of old house character and charm. It also has a few old house problems.*
Thankfully, our very first tenant (and fellow makeoverhill blogger) is a friend with an eye for design.

This blog will follow our progress as we make our house beautiful on a budget. Hopefully we'll all still be speaking by this time next year.


*Including but not limited to: terrible linoleum, a bit of knob and tube wiring, a seriously heinous half-bath, old windows, and the fact that folks used to get by with around one electrical outlet per room.


Coming in late 2011

Duplexing adventures. Or epic disaster. Either way, we shall blog about it.