
Dining Room Preview

See, I told you things were coming together. While the men were working on the kitchen, my mom and I cleaned and organized. I am really excited that we were able to put down this new Dash and Albert rug. Isn't it brootiful?

You can also see a bit of our newly painted blue banister. The color is called Dutch Licorice and we used it in a few spots around the house. Makeoverhill is a very colorful place, but I think it all works.

The only color I'm really worried about it the white in the carpet. I'm afraid it will get dirty very quickly. We might have to instate a no shoe rule.



  1. please don't, I don't like to be without my shoes.

  2. Hooray, no shoes house!

  3. Don't worry, LisaG. K won't go for it. He also doesn't like to be without his shoes.

  4. Oh it is all looking so beautiful! Yay!
